Ready for your summer vacation? Are you planning a road trip? It’s that time of year of traveling and relaxation. Except there is one problem. Gas has become very expensive. Gas is up 26 percent this year to an average $3.88 a gallon. According to the most recent Lundberg Survey of approximately 2,500 U.S. gas stations, regular grade gasoline averaged $3.8800 at retail, up 11.53 cents over the past two weeks Rodney Williams, a student at Shaw University, states that gas has become an issue. “It cost almost $60.00 to fill up my gas tank,” Williams states. He also said that he is considering selling his car and getting another one for cheaper gas mileage. When gas prices rise everything else rises as well. The price of food and other daily purchases will also be affected because deliveries will become more expensive because of the gas prices. Betha Oethga, owner of African Artifacts, business is being effected by gas because of the increase. Oethga states that because of gas she have to increase the price of her clothing and jewelry.“ Customer ask me why did my prices go up, I have to explain to them it’s because gas prices has went up,” she states. She also says that luckily she has found a way to price her merchandise without going up too high.
President Barack Obama has also weighed in on gas prices rising. Obama says one answer to high gasoline prices is to spend money developing renewable energy sources. He stated last week in his weekly radio and Internet address, "That's the key to helping families at the pump and reducing our dependence on foreign oil in the long term.” Lea Alston also said that the gas prices affected her store. All of her products are handmade. “I can tell there has been a slight increase in the products that I buy. It hasn't affected me to bad yet, but we will see how it will be in a few months,” she states.
As far as for the U.S The study’s findings include:
For every 10% increase in gas prices, U.S. transit demand has increased on average by 1.2%; demand for light rail rises by approximately 3%, compared with buses at only 0.4%.
In general, increased gas prices had a much larger effect on increasing demand for public transit for longer — rather than shorter-distance — trips.
As for the rest of the year we all have to wait and see if the gas prices will continue rise and if so how do we accommodate to it.
Same Sex marriage will destroy the morality of the United States. It’s not of God and is an abomination. Gays will burn in the eternal fires of Hell for their chosen life. Marriage is between man and woman. It would have been Adam and Steve instead of Adam and Eve. I remember going to this church and during the pastor sermon he said that if you are a homosexual you’re an atheist because you cannot be that way and believe in God. Do you believe this?
Same Sex marriage is a heated issue throughout the world. It has been debated in the United States that if same sex couples are allowed to marry than that would open legalization of polygamy. Possible Republican presidential candidate in 2012 Mike Huckabee states, the effort to allow gays and lesbians to marry is comparable to legalizing incest, polygamy and drug use.
The Federal Marriage Amendment (S.J. Res. 30) states: “Marriage in the United States shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman. Neither this Constitution, nor the constitution of any State, shall be construed to require that marriage or the legal incidents thereof be conferred upon any union other than the union of a man and a woman.” I can understand people reasoning for what they believe but should what others believe disrupts other people life. People will be with whomever they want to be with, same sex or not.Not allowing same sex marriage in my opinion is unconstitutional and is discrimination. I am going to be biased because this is something that affects me, but I am also a triple minority so rights are very important to me. If all of the lesbian,gay, bisexual, transgendered (lgbt) in the U.S decided they will not pay taxes because the Constitution deny them rights I’m pretty sure that same sex marriage would be taken into consideration. Granted the IRS may enforce jail time but when you don’t live your life openly and living in shame you are in jail anyways.
I grew up in a southern church so I was taught to believe homosexuality was a sin but something did not sit right with me. I never understand how God and hate could be in the same sentence. If God is love why would He (She) deny any type of love? In my opinion, everyone should have the right to love whomever they please to love. I was reading this article in the newspaper and this guy loved cars. Not just love as a hobby but physical and emotional love towards cars. Did I find it strange? Of course. Did I understand how someone could be in love and intimate with an inanimate object? No (other than sex toys of course). Did I care? No. Why? Because that was his business not mine. I did not understand it but as long as I don’t walk out and see him humping my car I could care less what he does. My point that I am trying to get to is this, I understand people beliefs but is it fair that your beliefs overturn others beliefs. Growing up in church I know why people are against same sex marriage or just same sex anything. We are raised that it is against God and if we question we go against God. But I don’t understand why people don’t agree to disagree. I do take in consideration that I do not think like most people or maybe we all think a like but I’m not afraid to voice it. God does not pick and chose who He (She) love. God just love.
California same sex residents was given the right to marry only to have it take it away.The American Foundation for Equal Right states:An integral part of our nation’s character and laws is the principle that all Americans are entitled to be treated equally by their government. Since 1888, the U.S. Supreme Court has 14 times reiterated that marriage is a basic civil right, including their landmark decision that struck down bans on interracial marriage more than 30 years ago.
The U. S has came a long way. There are a few states that recognize same sex unions and more companies are offering same sex benefits but there is along way to go. It's not just about changing your beliefs it's about allowing others to celebrate their own beliefs. “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” Martin Luther King, Jr.
Three ways a professional in my industry will use digital media to help kick-start their career is 1. Networking 2. Advertising 3. Branding. You can network using digital media by joining social sites and groups that professionals in your field would affiliate with. It is an advantage especially when you are not physically able to join your peers at a social event or gathering. When you join social networking sites it also allow you more access to what is going on. There are more postings on sites than networking events. The second way digital media can enhance a career is free advertisement. You can share your work or projects on Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, etc. It is a way to showcase your work for free and is accessible for most people to participant in. You can post your work on professional networking sites so that people in your industry could see your work. Lastly social media can help with branding yourself. You can post pictures of yourself that gives people a feel of the work you do and the reflection of who you are. You can post videos and pictures of yourself at networking events, conferences, etc. You can show the world who you are or who you want to be by using social media.