Sunday, June 12, 2011

How to Two Strand Twist Your Hair!!!

Hello! I wanted to share a tutorial on how to two strands twist your hair. I am natural and I two strand twist my hair often.  In the tutorial I provided the basic tools and information that you would need.  I hope you find this video helpful and useful! **Tip** After wearing your hair in two strand twist you can undo them and where it in a twist out. Two hairstyles in one!

Monday, June 6, 2011


Words of Encouragement!!!!!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

New Poll Reveals More Americans in Favor of Gay Marriage

According to a new National Gallup Poll, the majority of Americans now favor legal gay marriage:
Image from Gallup website
"For the first time in Gallup's tracking of the issue, a majority of Americans (53%) believe same-sex marriage should be recognized by the law as valid, with the same rights as traditional marriages. The increase since last year came exclusively among political independents and Democrats. Republicans' views did not change."

In a recent interview with Christian magazine World, the president of Focus on the Family Jim Daly confessed that his side has "probably lost" the fight against same sex marriage:

"We're losing on that one, especially among the 20- and 30-somethings: 65 to 70 percent of them favor same-sex marriage. I don't know if that's going to change with a little more age—demographers would say probably not. We've probably lost that. I don't want to be extremist here, but I think we need to start calculating where we are in the culture."
"We've got to look at what God is doing in all of this…Have we done such a poor job with marriage, is He so upset with our mishandling of it in the Christian community, along with our lust of the flesh as a nation, that He is handing us over to this polygamy and same-sex situation in order to, perhaps, drive the Christian community, the remnant, into saying, 'OK, there's no no-fault divorce in our church?'"

Focus on the Family is a Christian ministry that helps families and couples to build healthy marriages that reflect God’s design. Also helping parents to raise their children according to morals and values based on biblical principles.

Daly also commented on gay activists view of Christian marriage:
"I sat down with one. He said, 'you guys haven't done so well with marriage. Why are you upset about us having a try?' We've got to look at our own house, make sure that our marriages are healthy, that we're being a good witness to the world. Then we can continue to work on defending marriage as best as we can."

Devin Newkirk, a substitute teacher who is gay, states this information does not come as a surprise.
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“But those people who are die hard fanatics of banning same sex marriage...are already losing, because they haven't learned one of the most important lessons of all.... how to love thy neighbor as thyself.”

Newkirk also considered himself religious and spiritual.

He continues, “Those who are supportive of same sex marriage realized this and have set judgment aside for the sake of there loved ones and for friends and coworkers that they know closely. And so they have fulfilled what God has commanded and judged not...lest they be judged and met with the same measure that they measured.”
The results from the National Poll have also brought hope and inspirations to many people.
Leon Acord said via twitter:
This is why it is SO important to come out.”

Amanda Cutter also said via twitter:
It's time lawmakers stood up for marriage fairness...”

There have been many reactions to this new poll but the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life revealed a similar like poll in 2010.
“Polls this year have found that more Americans favor allowing gays and lesbians to marry legally than did so just last year. In two polls conducted over the past few months, based on interviews with more than 6,000 adults, 42% favor same-sex marriage while 48% are opposed. In polls conducted in 2009, 37% favored allowing gays and lesbians to marry legally and 54% were opposed. For the first time in 15 years of Pew Research Center polling, fewer than half oppose same-sex marriage.”

The Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life purpose is to search and promote a deeper better understanding of the connections of religion and public affair issues.
Image from Pew Forum website
The poll also provides data on how different religions are becoming more in favor of gay marriage.
The shift in opinion on same-sex marriage has been broad-based, occurring across many demographic, political and religious groups. Notably, pluralities of white mainline Protestants and white Catholics now favor allowing gays and lesbians to marry legally – the first time this has occurred in Pew Research Center surveys.”

Same- Sex marriage is currently allowed in the few states:  Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, in addition to Washington D.C.

Based upon research and polls American views are changing but with the debate in California shows that there is an opposing side trying to stop and eliminate gay marriage.

However you look at it people views are changing. It just depends which side of the issue you stand on if you consider these changes are for the better or worse.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Schwarzenegger Scandal

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Everyone is still digesting the fact that Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver has separated after 25 years of marriage but now another bombshell has dropped. Schwarzenegger has announced that he have a 10-year old child by one of his household staff. Schwarzenegger said in a statement obtained by CNN, "After leaving the governor's office I told my wife about this event, which occurred over a decade ago. "I understand and deserve the feelings of anger and disappointment among my friends and family. There are no excuses and I take full responsibility for the hurt I have caused. I have apologized to Maria, my children and my family. I am truly sorry."

An article on ABC News website goes in deeper regarding the matter. The article address women who stay with high-powered men after their infidelities and those who decide to leave.

During this tragedy most people are mostly concerned about how their children is handling this situation.
 On Twitter two of the couple's four children decided share some insight on how they are feeling. Their 17-year-old son Patrick Arnold Schwarzenegger tweeted:
 "I love my family till death do us apart."
Also their 21-year-old daughter Katherine Eunice Schwarzenegger tweeted:
"This is definitely not easy but I appreciate your love and support as I begin to heal and move forward in life. I will always love my family!"

This scandal is still unraveling before our eyes and many people will continue to follow this family awaiting for new information to emerge. 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Do You Believe in Global Warming?

Global warming still has a lot of people confused about how it effects the environment. According to the
Rasmussen Reports still, 62% say global warming is at least a somewhat serious problem, including 34% who think it’s a very serious issue.  Thirty-six percent (36%) do not believe climate change is a serious problem.  Some people are confused by all the information that is out there. There have been debates about whether the information that have been provided has been accurate.  There have been issues with NASA issuing incorrect data regarding global warming.  The website Big Government stated in their article that NASA hey simply added .3 millimeters per year to its Global Mean Sea Level Time Series. That way they could report that the sea level rise was accelerating, instead of what was actually happening–decelerating. 

With the confusion with global warming information overload there are ways to take care of the earth whether you believe in global warming or not.  The Union of Concerned Scientists suggests ways that everyone can help the world. On their site they suggest that we can reduce the amount of gas you burn, buy efficient appliances that use less electricity, reduce every day electrical use and other useful information.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Facebook: Friend or Foe

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Want to be liked? Join Facebook.  Want to become divorce, stalked or murder? Join FacebookFacebook is a social network that helps people keep in touch.  Facebook originally started for college students but now is a social portal for anyone to join.  It is a great way for long distance relationships to stay close and personable.  Also in tragic situations Facebook is a way for people to connect.  During the devastation of the tornadoes that hit the southern region of the United States a   Facebook page was set up to help strangers return photos, documents, and other personal items to their owners. The page has been "liked" by more than 48,000 users. On the page many good-hearted citizens had posted images of items that they have found to help the victims of the tornado. "The thing about social media is that it is just a capability, something that people will invent ways to use," says analyst Ezra Gottheil, who describes Facebook and Twitter as non-obtrusive broadcast media. "You can shout your find, or your loss, from the rooftops, but no one has to listen unless and until they want to," Gottheil says.  Facebook has brought people (and items) together but there is a negative downside.

In North Carolina Karen Ann Rooney was fatally shot by her ex-boyfriend after she posted news of her engagement to another man on her Facebook page. In the news, blogs and other social sites more and more stories like these seem to emerge.  People have lost their jobs over what they  have posted.  Even more recently there have also been a lot of news stories that suggest that Facebook cause divorce.  According to an article in The Wall Street Journal:
Some lawyers do say that they see Facebook and other social media playing a role in divorce these days, as people rediscover old flames online or strike up new relationships that lead them to stray from their marriage vows.
Does Facebook cause divorce? A Facebook spokesman calls it “ludicrous” that the social networking sight causes divorce. According to a new survey by The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers one in five divorces involve the social networking site Facebook.  There have been disputes to these claims. The Wall Street Journal article also states:

But lawyers and marriage researchers say there isn't much evidence to support the notion that social-networking sites actually cause marriages to sputter.

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There are a lot of opinions regarding the good and bad of Facebook. Facebook is a website so it can’t be physically harmful to people. Or is it like alcohol? Dangerous when used excessively. Either way be careful what you post. There is someone always watching.

Wall Street Journal
The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Rise of Gas Prices

Ready for your summer vacation? Are you planning a road trip? It’s that time of year of traveling and relaxation. Except there is one problem. Gas has become very expensive. Gas is up 26 percent this year to an average $3.88 a gallon. According to the most recent Lundberg Survey of approximately 2,500 U.S. gas stations, regular grade gasoline averaged $3.8800 at retail, up 11.53 cents over the past two weeks Rodney Williams, a student at Shaw University, states that gas has become an issue. “It cost almost $60.00 to fill up my gas tank,” Williams states. He also said that he is considering selling his car and getting another one for cheaper gas mileage. When gas prices rise everything else rises as well. The price of food and other daily purchases will also be affected because deliveries will become more expensive because of the gas prices. Betha Oethga, owner of African Artifacts, business is being effected by gas because of the increase. Oethga states that because of gas she have to increase the price of her clothing and jewelry.  “ Customer ask me why did my prices go up, I have to explain to them it’s because gas prices has went up,” she states. She also says that luckily she has found a way to price her merchandise without going up too high.                                                                           
 President Barack Obama has also weighed in on gas prices rising. Obama says one answer to high gasoline prices is to spend money developing renewable energy sources. He stated last week in his weekly radio and Internet address, "That's the key to helping families at the pump and reducing our dependence on foreign oil in the long term.” Lea Alston also said that the gas prices affected her store. All of her products are handmade. “I can tell there has been a slight increase in the products that I buy. It hasn't affected me to bad yet, but we will see how it will be in a few months,” she states.  
Unfortunately we all have to see if the gas prices will continue to rise or eventually decrease.People are also using more public transportation according The Transportation Research Record released a study of data through 2007, Understanding Links Between Transit Ridership and Gasoline Prices: Evidence from the United States and Australia
As far as for the U.S The study’s findings include:
For every 10% increase in gas prices, U.S. transit demand has increased on average by 1.2%; demand for light rail rises by approximately 3%, compared with buses at only 0.4%.

In general, increased gas prices had a much larger effect on increasing demand for public transit for longer — rather than shorter-distance — trips.
As for the rest of the year we all have to wait and see if the gas prices will continue rise and if so how do we accommodate to it.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

To Marry or Not Marry Gays? That is the Question

Same Sex marriage will destroy the morality of the United States. It’s not of God and is an abomination.  Gays will burn in the eternal fires of Hell for their chosen life.  Marriage is between man and woman. It would have been Adam and Steve instead of Adam and Eve. I remember going to this church and during the pastor sermon he said that if you are a homosexual you’re an atheist because you cannot be that way and believe in God.  Do you believe this?

Same Sex marriage is a heated issue throughout the world. It has been debated in the United States that if same sex couples are allowed to marry than that would open legalization of polygamy. Possible Republican presidential candidate in 2012 Mike Huckabee states, the effort to allow gays and lesbians to marry is comparable to legalizing incest, polygamy and drug use.

  The Federal Marriage Amendment (S.J. Res. 30) states: “Marriage in the United States shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman. Neither this Constitution, nor the constitution of any State, shall be construed to require that marriage or the legal incidents thereof be conferred upon any union other than the union of a man and a woman.” I can understand people reasoning for what they believe but should what others believe disrupts other people life. People will be with whomever they want to be with, same sex or not.Not allowing same sex marriage in my opinion is unconstitutional and is discrimination. I am going to be biased because this is something that affects me, but I am also a triple minority so rights are very important to me. If all of the lesbian,gay, bisexual, transgendered (lgbt)  in the U.S decided they will not pay taxes because the Constitution deny them rights I’m pretty sure that same sex marriage would be taken into consideration. Granted the IRS may enforce jail time but when you don’t live your life openly and living in shame you are in jail anyways.

I grew up in a southern church so I was taught to believe homosexuality was a sin but something did not sit right with me. I never understand how God and hate could be in the same sentence. If God is love why would He (She) deny any type of love? In my opinion, everyone should have the right to love whomever they please to love. I was reading this article in the newspaper and this guy loved cars. Not just love as a hobby but physical and emotional love towards cars. Did I find it strange? Of course. Did I understand how someone could be in love and intimate with an inanimate object? No (other than sex toys of course). Did I care? No. Why? Because that was his business not mine. I did not understand it but as long as I don’t walk out and see him humping my car I could care less what he does. My point that I am trying to get to is this, I understand people beliefs but is it fair that your beliefs overturn others beliefs. Growing up in church I know why people are against same sex marriage or just same sex anything. We are raised that it is against God and if we question we go against God. But I don’t understand why people don’t agree to disagree. I do take in consideration that I do not think like most people or maybe we all think a like but I’m not afraid to voice it. God does not pick and chose who He (She) love. God just love.

California same sex residents was given the right to marry only to have it take it away. The American Foundation for Equal Right states: An integral part of our nation’s character and laws is the principle that all Americans are entitled to be treated equally by their government. Since 1888, the U.S. Supreme Court has 14 times reiterated that marriage is a basic civil right, including their landmark decision that struck down bans on interracial marriage more than 30 years ago.

The U. S has came a long way. There are a few states that recognize  same sex unions and more companies are offering same sex benefits but there is along way to go. It's not just about changing your beliefs it's about allowing others to celebrate their own beliefs.  “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

CBS NewsPublish Post
Image:Google Images

Sunday, April 3, 2011

My Aspirations!

           Images Courtesy of Google

When I graduate from Full Sail University my plan is to start a production company. I also want to direct and produce films and documentaries. The importance of a professional networking in my field is to build contacts and open myself to opportunities. I believe that you have to be where the “action is at.” When you network with individuals in your field you may find a mentor to guide you throughout the beginning of your career.  Also, it is very important because you will never know where it may lead. Whenever you are at the right place at the right time your opportunities increase and you have more access to what is going on in front of and behind the scenes. It is a great way to position yourself to be where you want to be. Like the cliché saying, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” For me personally I believe that when I network it help me learn about the industry and allows me hone my craft from the business aspect as well.

Three ways a professional in my industry will use digital media to help kick-start their career is 1. Networking 2. Advertising 3. Branding. You can network using digital media by joining social sites and groups that professionals in your field would affiliate with. It is an advantage especially when you are not physically able to join your peers at a  social event or gathering. When you join social networking sites it also allow you more access to what is going on. There are more postings on sites than networking events. The second way digital media can enhance a career is free advertisement. You can share your work or projects on Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, etc. It is a way to showcase your work for free and is accessible for most people to participant in. You can post your work on professional networking sites so that people in your industry could see your work. Lastly social media can help with branding yourself. You can post pictures of yourself that gives people a feel of the work you do and the reflection of who you are. You can post videos and pictures of yourself at networking events, conferences, etc. You can show the world who you are or who you want to be by using social media.


Monday, March 28, 2011

30 days to a better me!

I am exited. So I had a few days alone at my parents house and I began to think about myself and where I want to be. I know right now I am taking on some new projects so I know I have to change myself and evolve. I  decide to give myself thirty days to change and start the journey of becoming who I want to be.  March 28 through April 28 I am going to be full force. Most importantly I am going to be consistent. That’s is going to be the most challenging and the most rewarding. 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Where have all the children gone?

According to the World Development Indicators - World Bank, the United States life expectancy has went up, reproduction is down. Data from 1960 to 2008 has shown a decline of the average of children per woman. In 1960 the average of children per woman was 3.65,in 2008 2.1. So what happen? During the 60’s the U.S was experiencing another era of woman’s right fight for equality. Also, in the 1960s and 70s the there was increasing number of stay at home moms who were entering the workforce. Women became more liberated from there stereotypical roles. 

My parents had three children, and each (excluding me) child only has one child.  I have notice that a lot of women are more focused on their career than starting a family. I am personally one of them. Women are also getting married later which could also contribute to the decline of childbirth.  Is it a good thing that women are having fewer children? I guess it depends on the woman you ask. For me personally, I am glad that each woman now has the choice to decide.

-world according to april

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Do you believe in Visualization?

David Seidler is not only making headlines for winning an Oscar for best original screenplay for "The King's Speech," but also beating bladder cancer in what some would consider an unusual way.  Due to the advice of his wife at the time, Seidler visualized his cancer into healthiness and within two weeks his cancer was gone. Tonight I was watching the Biggest Loser and one of the contestants got into a car accident and was told she may never walk again. She said she visualized in her mind that she was walking and she eventually begins walking.  These recent stories made me think about two books that I have read, The Secret and the Law of Attraction. These books states that you can literally have anything you put your mind to. There are things you have to consider like maintaining a positive energy.  I know there are a lot of opinions regarding this matter and good arguments on both ends but I buy into the hype. It’s is basically the same concept of prayer, faith and letting go. I remember my first apartment and this job I wanted a few years back. I was at these apartments with a family member and I ask to look at the one bedroom. I fell in love with it but new tenants were about to move in and I didn’t have a job at the time to get it anyways. Then there was job I wanted but was denied because I had too many previous jobs. I was in college at the time and I would get a job and drop and job.  With my vivid imagination I did think and visualize about those two things. It was on my mind but I was not obsessing over it. One day I went to apply at the temp agency and got the job I was denied and end up being kept on permanently. Of course with a job I decided to go apartment hunting. I went back to that apartment complex to see if by chance if the apartment was still available. It was just hoping because it has been last then a year since I last visited and most people get a year lease. Well it was available. So I end up getting the job I was denied and the apartment that I didn’t have money for and once preoccupied.  
These situations happen way before I read the books and I can honestly say that it has been a real struggle to visualize like I previously did to retest the theory. I am currently attempting to try these methods but my concentration and attention span is all over the place. Right now in my life it hard for me to focus. It’s like when you first try to lose weight you constantly think of unhealthy food. I will keep trying and I will update you to let you know how it will turn out. By the way, “Do you believe in The Secret, Visualization, Law of Attraction?”

-world according to april 

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Spiritual Makeover

I had a Mary Kay Makeover this weekend. It was random because I was there to support my cousin who is starting out with this company. I started out as a visitor and ended up a fashion victim. I don’t want to get religious on your ass but it was an unexpected spiritual experience.  How can a Mary Kay Makeover be healing you ask?  Well let me tell you a story , a story of me that is!
 I have been in a rut the last year or two. I feel like a lost sheep that strayed  away from the flock(dramatic but true). I have been in and out of meaningless jobs. I literally have been a zombie. Yes people zombies exist, they just don’t walk around  in bloody shirts and eating organs. There are so many people who are unhappy and unfilled walking the earth. It’s like your alive but your soulless, each day that passes by is the same. There were days when I felt  like the only way I could feel anything is if I cut myself or get hit by the bus.  It was not depression it was sense of purposelessness.  I want to change, but I am an “ I am going to do this when…” type of person.  When I save money, lose weight, blah blah blah. It’s like  in order for me to change I have to change this first about my situation and myself. Guess What? I have not saved enough money and I’m still eating McDonald's. I found out that I am a product of self-sabotage. I set these goals for me to fail then I use this as my excuse for failure for not changing. That’s not healthy and I don’t know why  I do it. I take that back, I do it out of fear. Fear of stepping out of my comfort zone, fear of change, fear of success, fear of  being the best me. It sounds crazy but I have become complacent in my failures. It is my home. I don’t know myself without it….Please don’t commit me for my thoughts, I am just being honest….It’s sad I know but if I can’t be honest with myself then I can not change….Anyways that is a little  back story.
At the makeover the speaker was saying that when January comes we say we will do this and that, it’s March, what have you done? It made me think, what have I done this year, last year, or the year before. Nothing.  She was telling us about her life and its ups and downs. It was motivational. Naturally this lady was in the business of selling and she was selling her story to us  for a reason but It was a good one.  It made me think of faith and how I get in my way. I can blame it on others or my situation, but in the end it is me who has the deciding factor. I know it’s time for a change but once again its what I don’t have  and what I need to make  a change. That’s what my mind is telling me anyways. I guess I need to step out on faith. The speaker also said be careful of the advice you heed “Don’t take advice from people you wouldn’t trade places with,” she said exactly.  Which made me evaluate the people I listen to and made me think about how I need to stop giving my advice or opinion. I definitely know people wouldn’t want to trade places with me. She went on saying don’t listen to your friends or family or anyone that would discourage you. That’s my main problem. I always ask people their advice and what they would do and equate their opinions in my final decision. The truth of the matter, the only opinion I need is mine because I am the only one being affected by it. It’s a cop out sometimes when you ask people for their advice because  you(I) don’t trust yourself enough to make the decision on your own………I am getting long winded it is time for me to sum it up. I am going to step out on faith more, but most importantly have enough faith and trust within myself to do what I need to do in order to take myself in the right direction to advance to the next level in my life!

-the world according to april 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Media Overexposure: Charlie Sheen Edition

I love entertainment as much as the next person but when is there a stopping point? With all the things going on in this world, mainstream news and media are currently obsessing over the debacle of Charlie Sheen.  I think these are the times when the subjects or news worthy stories become more in control than the sources that report them. I was watching The Today Show regarding the Virginia Tech shootings and they were debating how much information should be shared regarding the gunman. It became a conflict when they realized that part of the shooter ‘s plan was to get publicity. He knew that what he was going to do was going to make the headlines. I guess the Today Show grew a conscious and did not want to play into it but it was too late. The problem is I don’t think the media factors in their subject agenda of them using the media vs. the media using them. Right now it’s the Charlie Sheen Circus and he is the ringleader. He even decided to join the twitterverse to get his point across.  But we love it right? We watch real life people struggle and judge them as they continue to spiral down to self-destruction. Who need soap operas anymore?  I also remember when a CNN reporter got frustrated when she was reporting Paris Hilton leaving jail and said enough. Shouldn’t we say enough at some point when entertainment news becomes more reported than the actual news?

-world according to april